Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Gaming time!

We had a fun time last night playing the game LIFE with our sister Tapper. We played it on the Ipad, so we chose "very" random people, which made it even funnier to see how their lives turned out!
We played it with some friends awhile back, and this is what the little, tiny, people look like.
The actually board game was a lot different from the game on the Ipad!


  1. Love this blog layout, girls!

  2. Hi I'm Godsgirlz1,
    You commented on my blog that you nominated me. Could you explain that?

    <3 Godsgirlz1

  3. Well we recived a award by a different girl. And with this award you have to nominate different people who you think deserve the award. The Liebster Award means( the dearest)blog.

    Does this answer your question???

    Ginger girls
