Friday, October 11, 2013

Happy Birthday!!!

 Sapphire: I celebrated my birthday last month and my sisters and Mom all pitched in and did a great job in making it special with decorations and food.  This was the table center, black eyed Susan's from my Mom's flower garden.
 Tapper made me a Cherry-Chocolate ice cream cake with raspberries on top. It was really good!!!!!
 My birthday landed on a Sunday. So we spent the day at home and enjoyed one another.

I was thrilled to find that my birthday gift was a laptop!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!

 My Mom took me out for a special shopping day a couple days later! We enjoyed a delicious lunch together at a Greek restaurant.
 We found ourselves downtown and went to a favorite hat shop there. It is one of the shops that some of us have gone to, to get a special hat. Here is my choice in hat, Like it??
We have a frozen yogurt shop where you can get whatever flavor you want and then top it with whatever you want(of course they have a limited selection, you couldn't put sushi on it) but they do have lots and lots to offer. I got Creme Brule and Chocolate yogurt, topped with every imaginable candy, nut, and sauces.
Me and my Mom as we snagged a quick picture. We had a time schedule, getting to a can't-change- orthodontist appointment and getting my brother's car back.
Some delicious looking caramel apples in a shop window. Thanks Mom for the lovely afternoon together, I always cherish each moment I spend with you!

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